Trash Taxi


Keeping your infrastructure clean since 2018

View the Project on GitHub threatstack/trashtaxi

Configuration Reference

Here’s a sample configuration file. Take a look at the subsections for configuration variable information.

  "aws": {
    "dryrun": false,
    "role_ec2_tag": "Role",
    "type_ec2_tag": "Type",
    "termlimit": 5
  "bind": 443,
  "debug": false,
  "tlscrt": "/secret/cert.pem",
  "tlskey": "/secret/key.pem",
  "iid_verify_cert": "/etc/aws_public_verifier.pem",
  "timebetweenpickup": "2h",
  "database": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 5432,
    "user": "",
    "pass": "",
    "name": "",
    "sslmode": ""
  "accounts": {
    "123412341234": {
      "name": "dev",
      "arn": "arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/trashtaxi",
      "externalid": "hellohello"
    "432143214321": {
      "name": "prod",
      "arn": "arn:aws:iam::432143214321:role/trashtaxi",
      "externalid": "hellogoodbye"
  "stateful": {
    "roles": ["haproxy"],
    "types": ["database"]
  "graylog": {
    "enabled": true,
    "host": "",
    "port": 12345
  "slack": {
    "enabled": true,
    "apikey": "xoxp...",
    "channels": ["#ops"],
    "timewait": "120s" 

Top-level Configuration

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
bind Int Port for garbaged to bind to 443
debug Bool Some extra logging, queries 5432
iid_verify_cert String Path to the AWS IID Verifier cert /etc/aws_verifier.pem
timebetweenpickup String Rate limiter between pickups 60, 1m, 2h, 1w (go times)
tlscrt String Path to the certificate file /secret/tlscert.pem
tlskey String Path to the key file /secret/tlskey.pem

Database Configuration (database)

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
host String Path to your database host
port Int Port # for the database 5432
user String Username for the database trashtaxi
pass String Password for the database hunter7
name String Database name garbaged
sslmode String Postgres SSLMode disable, enforce

AWS Account Config (accounts)

The object key should be the AWS account ID.

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
name String A friendly name for the account dev, prod, testing
arn String The role ARN that garbaged will use arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/trashtaxi
externalid String The External ID used for trust bo0kei2caiquoN6T (a random string)

AWS Role/Type Tags (aws)

garbaged will query an instance’s EC2 tags to determine it’s role and type. For example, the role tag could correspond with a particular node’s Chef role, and the type tag could correspond with a broader class of machine.

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
dryrun Bool For debug; adds DryRun flag to Terminate request true, false
role_ec2_tag String The tag that specifies the host’s role mongodb, flink-worker
type_ec2_tag String The tag that specifies the host’s type stateless, database

Defined Stateful Services (stateful)

garbaged can automatically set up trash holidays based on the role and type tags you defined above.

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
roles Array Roles that should be ignored in trash pickup mongodb, jumphost
types Array Types that should be ignored in trash pickup database

Slack Configuration (slack)

garbaged can send a message to a slack channel before actually doing a trash pickup.

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
enabled Bool If slack notification is enabled true, false
apikey String The API key for your slack bot xoxp-…
channels Array An array of channels to notify [“#ops”, “#security”]
timewait String An amount of time to wait before pickup 60, 1m, 2h, 1w (go times)

Graylog Configuration (graylog)

garbaged can send its log data to Graylog over UDP, if you use that kind of thing.

Variable Type Purpose Possible Value(s)
enabled Bool If graylog message sending is enabled true, false
host String The hostname of your graylog instance
port Int Graylog listener port 12345